
About Aalaf Qatar

Aalaf Qatar is dedicated to Produce the Animal Food ( fodder) and sell in Qatar. Aalaf Qatar is in business of “Animal Food” production and sales since 2010. Aalaf Qatar is a fully owned subsidiary of Hassad Qatar. Production Farm: It has Fodder creation farms in Irrikiya.

Aalaf Qatar is main supplier of Animal Food across Qatar.

Sales Stores: It has sales store in below locations.

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Collaborative Approach

For a long time finished dairy products has been relying heavily on import. Recently there has been a lot of investment in the dairy sector. Dairy farm is a core agricultural venture with big demand supply gap and space for adding value in the product chain. With its experience in agro value addition, Golden Harvest has started a state of the art dairy farm in Gowainghat, Sylhet.

Responding to Change

Our greatest strength is our commitment to sharing ideas and strategies across practice groups, marshalling our expertise to arrive at the best & most comprehensive solutions for our clients. Ever since, rapid response to shifts in the retirement and health care policy paradigm has been our calling card.

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